I am a professional developer with over two decades of experience in a plethora of different technologies.
Web Development
As a full-stack web developer, I am experienced in a variety of different frontend and backend technologies, but specialize in the following:
App Development
As an application developer, I have worked on programs for macOS and iOS as well as cross-platform applications using the following technologies:
From My Blog
I frequently write about my development experiences on my blog.

TypeScript’s Compiler Will Be Rewritten Using Go
In an effort to speed up TypeScript compilation, Microsoft has decided to rewrite the compiler to be a native application.

Linus Torvalds on C++
I somewhat recently ran into this screenshot of a rant that Linus Torvalds went on about C++ and why he thinks C is the better programming language.

No Data Lasts Forever
I recently ran into a blog post on another blog titled “No Data Lasts Forever.” It inspired me to think more about my own data preservation.

Archiving My Blogs
I recently came across an interesting idea from one of the oldest blogs on the internet to back up my blogs to a public GitHub repository. This is the why and how.

Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison
This is an excellent read for any of you operating system nerds out there. The author compares the architectures of both Windows NT and Unix.

Editors and IDEs I’ve Used Over the Years
I had the idea to write a post about the editors and IDEs I have used over the years. These are the ones that stood out to me and why. Screenshots included!
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